Our School Apps

Operoo (formerly CareMonkey). You will receive an invitation by email prior to starting with St Paul’s Catholic Primary School. This app is used for medical information as well as permissions and consents.

Please download the Schoolzine app - SZapp. Szapp is used for our school newsletter, general notifications and absence notifications. After you download the app, search for the school by using ‘Rapid Creek’. You will be asked to provide a code to complete the set-up. The code is 7845.

For lunch and recess orders from the canteen, please go to https://www.spriggyschools.com.au to set up your account on their website. Please ensure you make your canteen orders before 8am on the required day as this is when canteen ordering closes.


St Paul’s uses Toddle for parent/teacher communication. Toddle is a fantastic tool that is engaging for kids and is great for parents to see what has been going on in their child’s class.
Parents will receive an invitation from the classroom teacher to join their child's class via their email address (please check your junk mail box too!) Parents are able to access Toddle via an app on a phone or tablet.